It is just so fascinating to see how much of a change has happened in SRK's stance vis-a-vis life and philosophy.
Pre IPL it was all about 'I am the best' and 'Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo' kindda attitude.
Mid way through the series the optimisim and go getter spirit has all transformed into pontificating about what one needs to learn from sport et al. He recently said, 'Sports teach us how to lose and not to be losers'.
If someone as successful as him can actually be so humbled by a failure in a certain field which surely isn't his forte, I am humbled by how much more a humbling phenomenon life can be to lesser mortals.
Intricate, delicately balanced and uniquely humbling, Life is BooOtYpHuL!!! Aint it??
poor SRK.. but i guess it is time he faces them!!! Afterall, it is jus cricket.. n he is anyways makin money!!