Today, SPS Rathore - the former Haryana DGP who supposedly got away easily after abetting Ruchika to suicide shot back at the media. The legality of the case aside, I was thrilled to hear Rathore's remark to the preying media and wanted to record it here:
“The day you can satisfy me that you are the constitutional power to decide on these judicial matters I will speak”
I sympathize with this observation that the media in India -itself victimized by the TRP race - is overstepping a little too often. Its time perhaps the media learns a lesson or two and understands its role as the watchdog of the constitutional systems. What say???
Agree with that... It is the over sensationalizing things by the media which will lead to crying wolf situation not very far from today, where real issues are just left off as a media creation.
ReplyDeleteOnce they tarnish the image of the person by teir own judgment, these news channels don't event bother to tender an apology if the person is proved to be innocent. No news channel bothered to tender an apology for Aarushi's father.
Well I disagree with you. We should understand that there is always another side of the coin, nothing is perfect, not even media but what they are trying to do here is being the voice of the 1.5 billion people, people who are so preoccupied in their own lives that they overlook the ugly face of our system, they tend to forget that tomorrow they might be the next victim. So media is playing an enormous and pivotal role to amplify whats there, exacerbate the condition of these perpetrators of crime. In Arab counties, crime rate is pretty low, thats because criminals are not only punished but subjected to immense public humiliation, torure and abuse. Public humiliation not only kills the sinner but also deters the sin from reoccurring. I am glad what media is doing to Rathore... the daily humiliation, staring at his ugly face on tv, the boycots, the shame, will slow poison him.. the process of dying is always more painful than death and thanks to over frenzy media, it is happening. Yes ofcourse there r fallouts of every process and we have to live with it.