Wednesday, 30 December 2009

SPS Rathore gives it back..this time to the Media !

I, like many others have been following the Ruchika Girhotra case on TV. Like it does to all things the Television media perhaps stepped on the gas a little too much.

Today, SPS Rathore - the former Haryana DGP who supposedly got away easily after abetting Ruchika to suicide shot back at the media. The legality of the case aside, I was thrilled to hear Rathore's remark to the preying media and wanted to record it here:

“The day you can satisfy me that you are the constitutional power to decide on these judicial matters I will speak

I sympathize with this observation that the media in India -itself victimized by the TRP race - is overstepping a little too often. Its time perhaps the media learns a lesson or two and understands its role as the watchdog of the constitutional systems. What say???